The new website for your business is built and live, now what? This doesn’t mean that you’ve reached the end of your online marketing. In fact, you are just getting started! As with most any business operations, it is important to evaluate your digital marketing strategy and continually find ways to engage your target audience and improve website performance. The best way to achieve this is to dive into Google analytics!
Get in touch with our marketing strategists today for more information about analytics platforms or continue reading below to learn how to improve your performance with analytics!
Improve Website Performance With Google Analytics
Breaking down data can be a daunting task for someone who is unfamiliar with online platforms or that doesn’t understand the
they are looking at. For this reason, one of the best ways to get started is to sample different online analytics platforms for one you like and dive right in. Today, there are many tutorial videos and articles available online that can help businesses get their feet wet when it comes to learning how to study website data.Once you choose an analytical tool, it is important to benchmark your initial data as well as at important dates or stages throughout the
. For example, you may want to benchmark visitor statistics (number of unique visitors, how many pages they viewed, etc.) before you launch a new marketing promotion so that you are able to see if that campaign was appealing or not to your target audience by creating a comparison between the two sets of data.What analytics tools work best?
Analytical tools will all present information differently so it’s important to determine what you are looking to accomplish with the data before you fully implement an analytical program. Each online tool is going to differ in ways such as how visitor metrics are tracked, what type of platforms that can be integrated into the program, and how you are able to structure the different reports.
Google Analytics is a free online resource that can be used to help businesses better understand their website and how visitors interact while navigating through the webpage. Many other programs like
and are more robust options that do offer a free version, but are most beneficial when you purchase one of their pricing plans.
If you are new to analyzing digital data, programs that provide a general overview of your website’s performance will be more than enough to help make informed decisions. However, if you are looking for more advanced digital analysis, then there are programs built for more specific analysis of your website. For example, there are tools that can examine the quality of your content, that provide more in-depth demographic information about your website traffic, and that offer insights into your
.How to decipher all that data?
Deciphering data can be very overwhelming at times, but once you have a better understanding of what it exactly is that you’re looking at and how you can use that information to create actionable items, then you will have a powerful resource at your disposal.
The key is to educate yourself on what each report or set of data represents. Take the time to learn what each metrics means and how that information is tracked. The more time you spend learning the capabilities of your analytical tool, the more assurance it will provide when it comes to improving your website.
Hungerford Media Can Help With Your Website Performance!
Learning to harness and analyze data can help give business owners more confidence by allowing them to make more informed decisions regarding their digital marketing strategy. If you are interested in learning more about Google Analytics or any of our other digital marketing services, contact our Grand Rapids web design company at (616) 259-0078 today. We can help you turn data into informed decisions that will capture more leads and grow your business!